FIVE Holy Commandments for Automation Agile Testers

FIVE Holy Commandments for Automation Agile Testers OK, so your organization is thinking of implementing Agile and QA Automation (Gawd bless them!). Start getting excited because it IS the right move; we know from our own experience that Agile is a big player in speeding up QA automation adaptation. But there are risks; it’s certainly […]

Five signs you’re not agile; you’re actually mini-waterfall

Five signs you’re not agile; you’re actually mini-waterfall See on – QA Automation I’ve noticed a lot of projects call themselves agile when in fact they’re mini-waterfall, also known as scrumfall. Noam Zakai‘s insight: Great Minipost that summarizes reality as we sometimes see it in the market See on

How to successfully run remote Agile testing with an outsourcing team

How to successfully run remote Agile testing with an outsourcing team Agile testing has become a crucial part of the production process for many companies today. However, with the ever-growing global deployment of QA and Development teams, and in many cases the reliance on outsourcing providers, the ability to manage Agile testing remotely AND successfully has become a necessity for […]